نبذة مختصرة : Appendectomy is a surgical procedure that involves an incision to remove an inflamed appendix. This surgical procedure can cause patients to experience pain due to the incision and tearing of tissue in the abdominal wall. If the pain is not addressed, it can interfere with the healing process, increase stress, and potentially affect the pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune systems. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of finger grip relaxation and back massage in post-operative appendectomy patients with acute pain nursing problems. This research design is a case study involving two participants post-operative appendectomy patients with acute pain nursing problems. Nursing care was provided for three consecutive days using the interventions of finger grip relaxation and back massage with the pain scale measurement used as the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The results of the study showed that the acute pain problem was resolved by the third day, with patient 1's pain scale decreasing from 5 on the first day to 3 on the third day, and patient 2's pain scale decreasing from 6 to 4 on the third day. Finger grip relaxation and back massage can be applied as additional therapy to reduce pain intensity in post-operative appendectomy patients by providing physical and mental relaxation, thus relieving pain.BAHASA INDONESIA Apendiktomi merupakan proses pembedahan dengan cara disayat untuk mengangkat apendiks yang meradang. Tindakan pembedahan ini dapat menyebabkan penderitanya merasakan nyeri akibat dari insisi yang disebabkan oleh robeknya jaringan pada dinding perut. Apabila nyeri tidak diatasi maka dapat mengganggu proses penyembuhan, meningkatkan stress, dan dapat mempengaruhi sistem pernafasan, kardiovaskuler, gastrointestinal, dan imunologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas relaksasi genggam jari dan back massage pada pasien post op apendiktomi dengan masalah keperawatan nyeri akut. Desain penelitian ini adalah studi kasus menggunakan dua partisipan pasien post op ...
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