نبذة مختصرة : Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati primjenu pulsirajućeg električnog polja kao predtretmana za izolaciju bioaktivnih tvari iz različitih vrsta paprika (slatka, ljuta, kajenska) uz analizu fenolnih spojeva, kapsaicinoida, antioksidativne aktivnosti te fizikalno – kemijskih svojstava. Dizajniran je eksperiment s 15 mogućih kombinacija. Uzorci su tretirani pri jakosti polja 2,0, 5,0 i 7,5 kV/cm uz vrijeme tretiranja 1, 3 i 5 minuta. Postupak pulsirajućeg električnog polja kao predtretman pokazao se pogodnim za dodatnu izolaciju bioaktivnih komponenti, povećavajući maseni udio fenola, prilikom čega je uzorak slatke paprike tretiran s električnim poljem jakosti 5 kV/cm tijekom jedne minute imao najveći prinos fenola u iznosu od 4,67 mg/g dok najvišu antioksidativnu aktivnost ima uzorak slatke paprike tretiran s 2,0 kV/cm tijekom tri minute u iznosu od 97,52 %. ; This research aimed to examine the application of pulsed electric fields as a pretreatment for isolating bioactive compounds from different types of peppers (sweet, hot, cayenne) with an analysis of phenolic compounds, capsaicinoids, antioxidant activity, and physical-chemical properties. An experiment with 15 possible combinations was designed. The samples were treated with 2,0, 5,0 and 7,5 kV/cm field strengths for 1, 3, and 5 minutes. The pulsed electric field process as a pretreatment proved to be suitable for the enhanced extraction of bioactive components, increasing the mass fraction of phenols, with the sample of sweet pepper treated with an electric field strength of 5 kV/cm for one minute having the highest phenol content of 4.67 mg/g. In comparison, the highest antioxidant activity was observed in the sweet pepper sample treated with 2.0 kV/cm for three minutes at 97.52 %.
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