نبذة مختصرة : This report is the final report of project VERT (evaluation of the bicycle as a feeder mode to rail outside urban areas). The VERT project aims at studying bicycle use as a feeder mode to railway stations, for regular use, in exurban areas. It focuses first on a state of the art fostered by international and French experience, providing quantitative and qualitative elements for research (T2), second on economic analysis (T3) implemented in several modeled scenarios (T4), making it possible to compare bike and ride solutions with park and ride solutions, and to draw a cost-benefit analysis for users and the community. Third, project includes qualitative analyses (T5) backed by interviews with stakeholders, and is applied in a case study in Amboise (T6), comparing scenarios for developing the bicycle as a feeder mode to train, built from observations of present situation, software development to map catchment areas of bicycles and pedelecs,analysing feeder routes and computing the cost-benefit balance of bike and ride. This very positive balance as well as other results show that the Amboise site possesses characteristics enabling this intermodal development, that are supported by some local stakeholders' projects. This confirms that this intermodal potential must be backed by local policies, as shown by experience in other regions or in other countries. ; Ce rapport est le rapport final du projet VERT (le vélo évalué en rabattement dans les territoires). Le projet VERT vise à étudier l'utilisation du vélo comme mode d'accès aux gares, pour un usage régulier, dans le milieu périurbain. Il se concentre sur un état de l'art nourri d'expériences étrangères et françaises, fournissant des éléments quantitatifs et qualitatifs pour la recherche (T2), sur un bilan économique (T3) mis en oeuvre dans plusieurs scénarios modélisés (T4) permettant de comparer les solutions de vélo+train à des solutions de voiture+train, et d'en établir un bilan économique pour l'usager et pour la collectivité. Le projet inclut aussi des ...
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