نبذة مختصرة : Tema i svrha rada je usporediti istraživanja kuta sipanja materijala i njihove dobivene vrijednosti. Opisana je metoda cilindra, njena provedba i dobiveni rezultati s različitim visinama materijala unutar šupljeg cilindra. Isti su obrađeni i analizirani. Prema više autora, dobivena je ovisnost iznosa kuta sipanja o frakciji materijala, obliku zrna, podlozi na koju se rasipa i brzini podizanja cilindra. Veći je kod materijala s manjim ili nikakvim udjelom sitnih čestica, uglatih zrna, rasipan na podlogu veće hrapavosti manjim brzinama. Naša ispitivanja su pokazala minimalnu promjenu kuta sipanja s porastom visine uzorka u cilindru za frakciju 2/4, dok je za frakciju 0/4 s porastom visine uzorka kut sipanja padao. ; Theme and purpose of this thesis is to compare researches of angle of repose and their gained values. Cylinder method is described, implementation and results gained with different heights of material inside of the hollow cylinder. They are processed and analized. According to several authors, the dependence of the value of angle of repose on the fraction of the material, grain shape, friction of the base and cylinder lifting speed was obtained. It is higher in materials with a small amount or without fine particles, angular grain, poured on the base with a higher roughness at lower speeds. Our tests showed a slight change in the angle of repose with the increase of the sample height with fraction 2/4, while the angle was falling with fraction 0/4 with the increase in the height of the sample.
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