نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; Human enteric viruses are important etiological agents of waterborne diseases. Environmental waters are usually contaminated with low virus concentration requiring large concentration factors for effective detection by (RT)-qPCR. Low pressure reverse osmosis is often used to remove water contaminants, but very few studies focused on the effective virus removal of reverse osmosis treatment with feed concentrations as close as possible to environmental concentrations, and principally relied on theoretical virus removal. The very low viral concentrations usually reported in the permeates (i.e. at least 5 log of removal rate) mean that very large volumes of water need to be analysed to have sufficient sensitivity and assess the process efficiency. This study evaluates two methods for the concentration of adenoviruses, enteroviruses and MS2 bacteriophages at different viral concentrations in large (<200 L) and very large (>200 L) volumes. The first method is composed of two ultrafiltration membranes with low molecular weight cut-offs while the second method primarily relies on adsorption and elution phases using electropositive-charged filters. The recovery rates were assessed for both methods. For the ultrafiltration-based protocol, recovery rates were similar for each virus studied: 80 % on average at high virus concentrations (10 6 -10 7 viruses L -1 ) and 50 % at low virus concentrations (10 3 -10 4 viruses L - 1 ). For the electropositive-charged filter-based method, the average recoveries obtained were about 36 % for ADV 41, 57 % for CV-B5 and 1.6 % for MS2. The ultrafiltration-based method was then used to evaluate the performance of a low-pressure reverse osmosis lab-scale pilot plant. The retentions by reverse osmosis were similar for all studied viruses and the validated recovery rates applied to the system confirmed the reliability of the concentration method. This method was effective in concentrating all three viruses over a wide range of viral concentrations. Moreover, the ...
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