نبذة مختصرة : The following report investigates relationships between labour and carbon dioxide productivity in the Swedish manufacturing industry 1914-1995. Furthermore, relationships between changing energy relative prices and carbon dioxide emissions are studied. Main conclusions are that improved labour and carbon dioxide productivity was evident during the post 1973 period, while the results are more ambiguous during the 1950 to 1973 period. During the period 1913 to 1950 the relationship was probably negative. For the whole investigated period there are evidence that carbon dioxide emissions are negatively correlated with oil prices. The relationship was however not stable over each sub-period. An overall interpretation of the results is that carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide productivity historically have been affected by other factors apart from relative price changes. Climate policy, which tends to be working towards long-term goals, should therefore pay attention to policy tools that may complement economic tools such as taxes.
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