نبذة مختصرة : This article presents a concise survey of basic discrete and semi-discrete nonlinear models which produce two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) solitons, and a summary of main theoretical and experimental results obtained for such solitons. The models are based on the discrete nonlinear Schroeodinger (DNLS) equations and their generalizations, such as a system of discrete Gross- Pitaevskii (GP) equations with the Lee-Huang-Yang corrections, the 2D Salerno model (SM), DNLS equations with long-range dipole-dipole and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions, a system of coupled discrete equations for the second-harmonic generation with the quadratic (chi^(2)) nonlinearity, a 2D DNLS equation with a superlattice modulation opening mini-gaps, a discretized NLS equation with rotation, a DNLS coupler and its PT-symmetric version, a system of DNLS equations for the spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) binary Bose-Einstein condensates, and others. The article presents a review of basic species of multidimensional discrete modes, including fundamental (zero-vorticity) and vortex solitons, their bound states, gap solitons populating mini-gaps, symmetric and asymmetric solitons in the conservative and PT-symmetric couplers, cuspons in the 2D SM, discrete SOC solitons of the semi-vortex and mixed-mode types, 3D discrete skyrmions, and some others. ; Comment: a review article to be published in journal Entropy (special issue "Recent Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Lattices"). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2003.13513
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