نبذة مختصرة : Statement by the Vice Chairman of the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) stating that the National Drug Policy (DDN) needs to be studied scientifically to measure the overall level of weaknesses in the DDN so that efforts to combat addiction and abuse of illicit substances can be done in an integrated manner given the importance of DDN for the future of the country. In this regard, a study evaluating the effectiveness of the current DDN has been conducted on stakeholders such as AADK Implementers and others as well as academics. The results showed that the majority of implementers agreed that all programs in the DDN that have been implemented by AADK are effective and implemented. Despite showing good performance, there are some things in the DDN that need to be improved. This is to ensure that the DDN and its action plan which emphasizes ‘zero drug eradication’ can be implemented so that the action plan done previously is strengthened and strengthened to play its role properly. Keywords: National Drug Policy, Effectiveness Evaluation, Implementer
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