نبذة مختصرة : The hand is one of the most important instruments of the human body, mainly due to the possibility of grip movements. Grip strength has been described as an important predictor of functional capacity. There are several factors that may influence it, such as gender, age and anthropometric characteristics. Functional capacity refers to the ability to perform daily activities which allow the individual to self-care and to live with autonomy. Composite Physical Function (CPF) scale is an evaluation tool for functional capacity that includes daily activities, self-care, sports activities, upper limb function and gait capacity. In 2011, Portugal had 15% of young population (0-14years) and 19% of elderly population (over 65 years). Considering the double-ageing phenomen, it is important to understand the effect of the grip strength in elderly individuals, considering their characteristics, as the need to maintainin dependency as long as possible.
Relation: http://www.rsp.fsp.usp.br/RSPv048n.esp-congresso-book.pdf; Nascimento AS, Pinto IR, Abreu MM, Almeida SP, Fernandes B, Tomás MT. Association between grip strength, anthropometric data and functional capacity. In 2º Congresso Internacional de Saúde do IPLeiria – Desafios & Inovação em Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, 9 e 10 de maio de 2014. Rev Saúde Pública. 2014;48(esp.):56.; http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/3702
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