نبذة مختصرة : One black and white photographic print showing a group of civil rights activists marching on S. Main Street outside the B. F. Goodrich plant during the Selma Sympathy March in 1965. The group gathered at Mount Olive Baptist Church on Coburn Street before marching in this non-violent protest in sympathy with events that occurred in Selma, Alabama. Earlier that year, African-American protestors led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) were attacked and beaten by state and local law enforcement in Selma while campaigning for voting rights. One man, church deacon Jimmie Lee Jackson, was shot and killed by a state trooper. This photograph is one in a series that Akron photographer Opie Evans took of this event. This image was published in the April 1965 edition of the Akronite, an African-American newspaper published in Akron. It is printed on an 8 x 10 sheet with the same image printed below.
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