نبذة مختصرة : The most important function of bone cortical allograft is basically of mechanical sustentantion. The stability and resistance have an important signification in the success of bone grafting. The aim of this study was to compare the axial compressive resistance of canine femoral shafts conserved in 98% glycerin or honey, kept for 30 days. Three groups had been formed, each one with 50 samples. The first group presented the 98% glycerin as agent, the second group had the honey as way to conserve and still there was one third group where the bones had been fresh collected and immediately tested. The bones had been collected without asseptical care with manual saw and the periosteal layer and bone marrow were removed. Later, the length, diameter and cortical thickness of each implant were measured and then was determined that the length would be twice the diameter of each femoral shaft. The biomechanical evaluation were tested in a press of axial compression, where the shafts had been submitted until the maximum load, when the first fracture point happened. The 98%glycerin and honey groups were moisturized for six hours before the compressive test while the fresh bone group received no hydration. In the bacteriologic study, the contamination was evaluated using three groups, each one with 35 samples of a femoral segment. The first group was analyzed at the harvest time and in the 98% glycerin and honey groups, after 30 days of storage. The same methodology was used for the mycological evaluation. The results showed that the 98% glycerin was more efficient in keeping bone resistance and also more efficient in eliminating bactaeria and fungi. ; Os implantes ósseos corticais desempenham função basicamente de sustentação mecânica. A exigência fundamental para que ocorra a osteointegração do enxerto é a estabilidade, sendo a resistência um fator de extrema relevância. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a resistência compressiva axial de diáfises femorais caninas conservadas em glicerina a 98% ou mel, mantidas por ...
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