نبذة مختصرة : The aims of this research are to find out the potentials and the challenges of the use of Schoology as media in teaching and learning English. This research used Library Research. The data used as the basis of this research is Qualitative Data. The data source of the study is from several journals and undergraduate thesis. The technique collecting data was the study of documentation. In addition, the data analysis technique used was content analysis. The finding of this research is divided into two major (1) the potentials of using Schoology as media in teaching and learning English, which consist of (a) Schoology is very easy to use, (b) Schoology can save students’ time, (c) Schoology can develop students’ attitude and motivation, (d) Schoology can improve student’s skill and (d) Schology can decrease workload. (2) The challenges of using Schoology as media in teaching and learning English, which consist of (a) internet connection, (b) application problem, (c) low computer knowledge and (d) skill and personal issue. This research is expected to contribute in educational field especially in English Education.
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