نبذة مختصرة : Neobnovljivi izvori energije će se iscrpiti te je nužno prijeći na obnovljive izvore energije. Sunce je neiscrpan izvor energije koji se ni približno dovoljno ne iskorištava što je velika prednost solarnim ćelijama općenito. Bojom senzibilizirane solarne ćelije pripadaju trećoj generaciji solarnih ćelija, a ističu se zbog niske cijene, širokog raspona mogućnosti primjene, jednostavne strukture i načina rada. S obzirom na ogroman napredak u efikasnosti u zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća, te većoj zainteresiranosti znanstvenika, očekivano je povećanje efikasnosti u bližoj budućnosti. Dakle, imaju brojne prednosti, a nedostaci se konstantno poboljšavaju te je neupitan njihov ogroman potencijal, pa je očekivano da će u budućnosti značajan udio iskorištene energije biti proizveden ovim ćelijama. ; Non-renewable energy sources will be exhausted, so it is necessary to switch to renewable energy sources. The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy that is not used nearly enough, which is a big advantage for solar cells in general. Dye sensitized solar cells belong to the third generation of solar cells, and they stand out due to their low price, various application possibilities, simple structure and working principle. Considering the enormous progress in efficiency in the last few decades, and the greater interest of scientists, an increase in efficiency is expected in the near future. So, they have numerous advantages, and the disadvantages are constantly improving, and their great potential is unquestionable, so it is expected that in the future a significant share of the used energy will be produced by these cells.
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