نبذة مختصرة : Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Rehabilitació Psicosocial en Salut Mental Comunitària. Codi: SAX013. Curs: 2017/2018. ; The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to describe the development and execution of an Individualized Rehabilitation Plan (PIR) on a case of a 33-year-old person, African, an undocumented immigrant, in an illegal situation and in social exclusion. The complexity of the case necessitated the intervention of multiple social, administrative and judicial resources and several NGOs, to achieve the objective of covering his basic needs, regularizing his situation and achieving recovery. In this patient with severe mental disorder an early intervention in his first episodes has been performed, in his natural context. From the first moment he has been led by the Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) of Gran Canaria. An exhaustive functional evaluation has been developed, and based on it some objectives and an action plan have been proposed in order to modify habits and behaviors that interfere with the maintenance of his health. The execution of this job is a proposal for referral to his corresponding Mental Health Unit and to the Community's standardized resources. The multidisciplinary team of the ACTT, the user himself and the monitor has participated in the execution of this PIR. ; El propósito de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es describir la elaboración y ejecución de un Plan Individualizado de Rehabilitación (PIR) sobre un caso de una persona de 33 años, de origen africano, inmigrante indocumentado, en situación irregular y en exclusión social. La complejidad del caso hizo necesaria la intervención de múltiples recursos sociales, administrativos, judiciales y diversas ONGs, para conseguir el objetivo de cubrir sus necesidades básicas, de regularizar su situación y de lograr la recuperación. En este paciente con trastorno mental grave se ha realizado una intervención temprana en los primeros episodios, en su contexto natural. Desde el primer momento ha sido llevado por el Equipo de ...
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