نبذة مختصرة : Innovative solutions, like safe reuse, are required in water and sludge managementto achieve circular economy and to address the challenges of global waterscarcityand soil nutrient loss. In the research project “REASSURE”, the overall aimwas to enhance the understanding of the potentiality and sustainability of usingdomesticwastewater as a resource in Sweden and abroad, with a focus on hazardouspollutants,metals and microplastics. The project had the following specificobjectives: 1. Determine factors that influence or determine the reuse of wastewater and sludgeacross countries; 2. Characterize the current state of wastewater reuse in Sweden and the occurrenceof hazardous pollutants as obstacles to its reuse; 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of different advanced treatment techniques againsthazardous pollutants for a better effluent water quality; 4. Assess the risks of hazardous pollutants to environmental and health impactsassociated with wastewater as a resource. This literature synthesis project presents insights into the influencing factors forcross-national differences in the reuse of wastewater and sludge. Data on nationalwastewater and sludge reuse was compiled along with relevant national statistics.Sludge data is compiled in this report for cross-national comparison only. Wastewaterreuse showed a positive correlation with fraction of wastewater treated, degreeof urbanization, level of water stress, and GDP per capita. The project also discussesthe situation of wastewater reuse in selected countries of interest, indicating thatreuse practices, policies, and applications vary across these countries. A comprehensive compilation of hazardous contaminants in effluent water forSwedish domestic and municipal wastewater, greywater, and blackwater was performedfrom literature. A workflow for literature review, meta-analysis and risk andhazard evaluation of contaminants (based on 14 parameters) in effluent wastewaterwas established. In addition, criteria for risk-based scoring, ranking, and prioritizationof ...
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