نبذة مختصرة : Mother's milk (ASI) is the best and most basic food because it contains the nutrients needed to protect babies from various diseases, especially infectious diseases. However, along with the growth of children, the need for nutrients also increases, so complementary foods for breast milk (MPASI) are needed and can be given after 6 months. Between the ages of 6 to 24 months, the nutrients needed for the growth and development of babies are increasing, so it is necessary to give additional food while the breast milk produced does not meet the nutrients needed. This service aims to provide knowledge to mothers on how to give good MP-ASI for their toddlers. The method used is education to the community with the target of mothers who have toddlers with a total of 25 people, and carried out for 2 days. The first day activity was counseling with material providing knowledge about MP-ASI, while on the second day there was education about tips or tips for introducing MP-ASI to children and MP-ASI recipes according to age and type of food. The results of the service show that there is an increase in the knowledge of mothers about how to give good complementary feeding, starting to change parenting patterns and improving the MP-ASI menu that will be offered to their children in order to prevent the negative impact of stunting on children. --- Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan terbaik dan paling dasar karena mengan-dung zat gizi yang diperlukan untuk melindungi bayi dari berbagai penyakit, terutama penyakit infeksi. Namun seiring dengan pertumbuhan anak, kebutuhan akan zat gizi juga semakin meningkat, sehingga makanan tambahan ASI (MPASI) diperlukan dan dapat diberikan setelah 6 bulan. Antara usia 6 - 24 bulan, zat gizi yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkem-bangan bayi semakin meningkat, sehingga perlu diberikan makanan tambahan sedangkan ASI yang dihasilkan tidak memenuhi zat gizi yang dibutuhkan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan memberi-kan pengetahuan kepada ibu tentang cara memberikan MP-ASI yang baik bagi balitanya. ...
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