نبذة مختصرة : This research aimed to design a psychosocial care program for ninth-grade students at the I.E. Escuela Normal Superior Nuestra Señora de Fátima in Sabanagrande (Atlántico), aimed at improving communicative ecosystems within classroom environments. The proposal involved offering psychological and social interventions to enhance the classroom atmosphere, providing meaningful support. This initiative emerged in response to challenges and issues negatively impacting the ninth-grade classroom environment, considering the psychological and social aspects of the students. Through this program, interventions were provided to strengthen the relationship between students and the school environment, addressing both emotional aspects and social interactions. Methodologically, the study was designed under a qualitative approach, using non-standardized and entirely predetermined data collection methods. An interpretive paradigm emphasized the importance of understanding the meanings and subjective experiences of the individuals being studied. Additionally, an action research design was utilized, allowing the study to link problems and educational needs in ninth-grade students.The study population consisted of 39 ninth-grade students, using the Likert scale questionnaire yo identify psychological and social needs, as well as aspects affecting the educational ecosystems among the students. ; Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo configurar un programa de atención psicosocial para las estudiantes de noveno grado de la I.E. Escuela Normal Superior Nuestra Señora de Fátima, del municipio de Sabanagrande (Atl), que permitiera mejorar los ecosistemas comunicativos en los ambientes de aula. Se presentó con la propuesta de ofrecer intervenciones psicológicas y sociales que contribuyan al mejoramiento del ambiente de aula, con el fin de brindar un acompañamiento significativo. Esta iniciativa surgió como respuesta a desafíos y problemas que habían afectado negativamente el ambiente de aula en el grado noveno, teniendo en cuenta los ...
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