نبذة مختصرة : It is the mission of the Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Program at Old Dominion University (ODU) to introduce graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to the diverse roles, the responsibilities, and the rewards of an academic career. In doing so it focuses particularly on the teaching and service roles sometimes not included in doctoral training. Fundamental research skills, such as grant writing, publishing, and academic job searching, are also addressed. The PFF program offers a ‘Preparing Future Faculty Certificate’ to graduate students who document completion of specific activities related to preparing for an academic career. Any ODU and NSU degree-seeking graduate student is eligible for the Certificate. ODU adjunct and post-doctoral students are also eligible. For graduate students, completion of the Preparing Future Faculty Certificate is noted on their academic transcript. All Certificate awardees receive paper certificates. The Preparing Future Faculty Certificate is administered by the PFF Steering Committee Chair.
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