نبذة مختصرة : The seismicity map of France shows regions where the seismic hazard is relatively important (Antilles, Alps, Provence Côte d'Azur and Pyrenees) and regions where the seismicity rates are modest but not negligible (Rhine Graben, Ardennes, Massif Central, Massif Armoricain, Mayotte). This seismicity justifies the monitoring of strong ground movements caused by the earthquakes that affect the territory, and their effects on the structures. This is the mission that was entrusted to the Permanent Accelerometric Network (Rap) in 1997 and has led to the instrumentation of 160 accelerometric stations in mainland France and overseas. Accelerometers have the sensitivity required to record high amplitudes without saturation effects in the frequency range relevant to civil engineering. This map illustrates the distribution of these stations in spring 2021.Rap is part of the French seismological and geodetic network Résif, a national research infrastructure dedicated to the observation and understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Internal Earth. Résif is based on high-tech observation networks, composed of seismological, geodetic and gravimetric instruments deployed in a dense manner throughout France. The data collected make it possible to study with high spatial and temporal resolution the deformation of the ground, surface and deep structures, seismicity on a local and global scale and natural hazards, and more particularly seismic events, on French territory. Résif is part of the European (Epos - European Plate Observing System) and global systems of instruments used to image the Earth's interior as a whole and to study many natural phenomena. ; La carte de la sismicité de la France fait apparaître des régions où l’aléa sismique est relativement important (Antilles, Alpes, Provence Côte d’Azur et Pyrénées) et des régions où les taux de sismicité sont modestes mais non négligeables (Fossé Rhénan, Ardennes, Massif Central, Massif Armoricain, Mayotte). Cette sismicité justifie la surveillance des mouvements forts ...
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