نبذة مختصرة : Equity is defined as a subjective concept, but possible through access, achievement, identity and power. This article aimsto identify how the math teacher summarizes the idea of equity from a fragment of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular [Common National Curriculum Base](BNCC). The interest in this theme arose from the perception that a system that leveled everyone equallydoes not take into account the specificities presented by students, who often need different strategies to enable learning. The context of the research is configured in a period of Covid-19 pandemic, a time when many people find themselves in social isolation. The research participants were 18 teachers who work in the early years of public and private education in three cities –Ilhéus, Itapetinga and Teixeira de Freitas. The data were collected by google forms. For analysis, we use the Análise Textual Discursiva [Discursive TextualAnalysis](ATD) methodology. According to the results, five teachers perceive equity as the possibility of offering teaching indicating strategies for learning to happen, eight perceive equity as equality, two consider it as distant, three write just one word, which makes the analysis process difficult. The results suggest that the theme should be more debated and experienced in the educational context. ; A equidade é definida como um conceito subjetivo, porém, possível por meio do acesso, da realização, da identidade e do poder. Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar como o professor de Matemática resume a ideia de equidade a partir de um fragmento da Base Nacional Curricular Comum (BNCC). O interesse por esse tema surgiu da percepção de que um sistema que nivela a todos por igual não dá conta de perceber as especificidades apresentadas pelos estudantes, as quais precisam, muitas vezes, de estratégias diferenciadas para possibilitar a aprendizagem. O contexto da pesquisa se configura em um período de pandemia da Covid-19, momento em que muitas pessoas se encontram em distanciamento social. Os participantes da ...
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