نبذة مختصرة : A Study on 6 indicators for drug utilization, i.e. the average number of drugs prescribed, the percentage of generic drug, injection and antibiotic prescription as well as the percentage of drugs presented for dispensing that are actually dispensed has been carried out at ten pharmacies in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia during September 1997. The primary objective of this study is to describe prescribing practices, to investigate the practical acceptance of important means in controlling drug cost, to enhance the development of strict antibiotic policies as a part of national drug policy and to measure the ability ofpharmacies to meet the parmaceutical needs of the community. The Methodology of Study: the samples of prescriptions were obtained by restrospective random selection: a total of 30 prescriptions per pharmacy. The results were as follows. During the first week in September 1997, it was found that from 10 pharmacies in Surabaya an average of 3,1 drugs were prescribed per patient with a range of 2,2 to 3,6 drugs among pharmacies, 17,1% of drugs was prescribed by generic name and the range among pharmacies varied from 6,1% to 20,2%. For the same 10 pharmacies an average of 48,7% of prescriptions contained an antibiotic with a range of 32,3% to 70,0% among pharmacies and 2,7% for injection with a range of 0 to 10%, while an average of 88,6% of prescribed drugs presented for dispensing were actually dispensed, with a range of 83,3 to 93,3% among pharmacies.
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