نبذة مختصرة : In this video, Sumyan shared three main themes. Jangar Oboo Worship: The Beis banner in Khar Us comprises three Sums: Ikh Khüü, Dund Khü, and Bag Khüü, representing the oldest, middle, and youngest sons respectively. Each Sum possesses its own worshipping Oboo - a stone cairn. Additionally, the Jangar Oboo, constructed in 1988 during an international conference, is also located in the region. However, as each Sum maintains its own worshipping Oboo, the Jangar Oboo has been largely neglected since its construction unless specifically used for a summer festival to gather local herders. Horse Sports and Culture: The Torghuts in Khar Us continue to embrace their equestrian culture due to the mountainous terrain where cars and motorcycles cannot easily travel, yet many aspects of this culture are disappearing. Historically, as children, we would seek out herders with horses and ask them to let us ride at Naadam festivals. There were once many fine horses, such as Bartiin Sharag, Dorjin Kheer, and Batin Halin. In contrast, today, herders often struggle to find young riders, sometimes advertising weeks in advance and offering payments between ¥300 and ¥500. Occasionally, they must seek out Kazakh children from other places to ride their horses. Climate Change and Its Impact: Recent years have also seen transformations due to climate change, with increasingly dry and hot conditions affecting the herders’ lives. Traditionally, herders in Khar Us would seasonally move to the mountains during winter and summer, but this practice has shifted due to drier weather and scarce pasture grass. In 2021, only five of the 37 households in Tost village continued their seasonal migration to the Tenger Mountain. Additionally, the growth in wild animal populations, spurred by hunting bans, has led to significant losses for herders. For example, in 2021, Arhajaan, a Kazakh herder of Tost village with over a hundred horses, lost 16 horses and saw another 36 attacked by wolves. ; Sponsored by Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet ...
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