نبذة مختصرة : The thesis research focuses on identifying TCTP as a new prognostic biomarker in patients with histologically verified colorectal carcinoma. The retrospective study included 74 participants who received antitumour treatment in the period from January to December 2015. Using an immunohistochemical method, the levels of nuclear and cytoplasmic expression of TCPT in cells from primary tumour and also the H-score were determined. The results indicated that a positive nuclear TCPT H-score was an independent risk factor for worse progression-free time and worse overall survival. A higher nuclear TCPT H-score was associated with a higher degree of tumour differentiation and a higher number of primary metastatic sites at diagnosis. For the first time worldwide, the potential role of TCTP expression level in the primary tumour as a prognostic factor regarding progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with histologically verified CRC is reported. For the first time in Bulgaria, the expression level of TCTP in the primary tumour was investigated as a marker for tumour reversion in CRC. For the first time in Bulgaria, the level of TCTP in the primary tumour and its correlation with various clinical and pathological characteristics in patients with CRC was investigated. Our findings would be useful for identifying patients with more aggressive tumours and a worse prognosis, which in turn would help choose an individual therapeutic strategy. ; Изследването в дисертационния труд се фокусира върху идентифицирането на ТСТР като нов прогностичен биомаркер при пациенти с хистологично верифициран карцином на дебелото черво. В проведеното ретроспективно проучване бяха включени 74 участници, получили противотуморно лечение в периода януари – декември 2015 г. Чрез имунохистохимичен метод бяха изследвани ядрените и цитоплазмени нива на експресия на ТСТР в клетките от първичния тумор и бе определен т.нар. Н-скор. Резултатите от анализа сочат, че положителният ядрен ТСТР Н-скор е независим рисков фактор за по-лошо време ...
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