نبذة مختصرة : The paper offers a systematic overview of the documented burials of laymen in the Cistercian monastery in Stična and of their influence on the artistic design of the monastery. The oldest proof of its connection to nobility is a circle with a coat-of-arms above the former tomb niche in the northeastern corner of the cloister, next to the original monastic entrance to the church. It was painted before the vaulting of the cloister, which is dated around 1228. According to archival sources, until that year, only the co-founders of the monastery, the Counts of Weichselberg, and their families were buried in the monastery. After the middle of the 13th century, the burials of laymen became more frequent, in accordance with the practice in other Cistercian monasteries. Probably the oldest document referring to the burial of a layman in the church dates back to 1293. The authoress of the paper argues several new interpretations and discusses identifications of the coat of arms, the monastery co-founders’ locations of burial, the identification of persons, who were buried in the burial chapel, and the tomb niche under the oldest coat-of-arms placed in the cloister. ; Članek prinaša sistematičen pregled nad listinskimi omembami pokopov laikov v cistercijanskem samostanu Stična in njihovim vplivom na umetnostno zasnovo cisterce. Najstarejši dokaz povezav s plemstvom je krog z grbovnim ščitkom tik nad nekdanjim nišnim grobom v severovzhodnem kotu križnega hodnika ob prvotnem meniškem vhodu v cerkev. Naslikan je bil pred obokanjem križnega hodnika, ki se postavlja v čas okrog leta 1228. Do tega leta arhivski viri med pokopanimi v samostanu omenjajo le soustanovitelje samostana, Višnjegorske grofe in njihovo rodbino. Po sredini 13. stoletja so v skladu s prakso v drugih cistercijanskih samostanih pokopi laikov postali pogostejši. Najstarejša listina, ki se najverjetneje nanaša na pokop laika v cerkvi, sega v leto 1293. Avtorica v članku argumentirano podaja številne nove interpretacije in razpravlja o identifikaciji grbov, ...
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