نبذة مختصرة : Introduction: Backpacks loaded with books, notebooks, notebooks, and even sneakers, today exceed the recommended limit for a person, which according to several investigations should not exceed 10% of the body weight of the individual. Loaded backpacks produce a displacement of the body‘s center of gravity backwards, causing as compensation a forward inclination of the same, causing tension in the neck and back. There is agreement among specialists in traumatology that the possible causes of spinal alterations in students are due to an excessive load of school material. Objective: To identify the relationship between back pain and the weight of backpacks and/or briefcases used by 1st and 2nd year students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences-UNA. Materials and methods: Analytical observational study, cross-sectional, prospective and non-probabilistic convenience sampling; from October 25 to November 30, 2019, at the Faculty of Medical Scien- ces (Sajonia campus). Own elaboration of the survey. Results: 136 cases were analyzed; 74 female and 52 male. Ages ranged from 18 to 31 years (21,301±1,990). It was found that there is a weak Pearson correlation of 0.014 and not significant for the sample of the present work. It is identified that the area most affected by the average weight of the backpack is the Lumbar region (1.75). Conclusion: The results show a low relationship between back pain and the weight of the backpack, which correlates with the fact that the weight of the backpacks of the respondents did not exceed 10% of the weight of the individuals. Most of the symptoms expressed by the respondents show that back pain correlates more with the posture taken at the time of studying, but several say that it worsens when carrying backpacks. ; Introducción: Las Mochilas cargadas con libros, cuadernos, notebooks, y hasta zapatillas, hoy llegan a sobrepasar el límite recomendado para una persona, que según varias investigaciones no debe su perar al 10% del peso corporal del individuo. Las mochilas cargadas producen un ...
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