نبذة مختصرة : [Resumo] As institucións europeas naceron cun importante déficit social, mais a partir da década dos setenta do século pasado foi incorporándose unha dimensión social ao dereito comunitario en que se avanzou pouco e pouco para superar o devandito déficit. Con todo, a crise económica determinou un maior afondamento nas competencias económicas da Unión Europea, e isto supuxo deixar nun segundo plano a incipiente dimensión social comunitaria. Despois de analizar a súa evolución histórica, no estudo conclúese a necesidade de restablecer o pulo social e saliéntase a existencia dalgúns sinais normativos e xudiciais da súa recuperación, que se agarda que sexan reais e efectivos ; [Abstract] The European institutions were born with a significant social deficit, but from the seventies of the last century a social dimension was incorporated into the community law, which gradually progressed to overcome it. However, the economic crisis led to a further deepening of the economic powers of the European Union, which meant that the incipient Community social dimension was left on the background. After analysing its historical evolution, this study concludes the need to restore social momentum and highlights the existence of some normative and judicial signs of its recovery, which are expected to be real and effective
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