نبذة مختصرة : Charlie Sanders appears on the Mike Finley show on WSJS 600 AM. Sanders discusses his candidacy for senate and answers questions from Finley and from callers to the program. Sanders primarily discusses health care in the first part, including lowering costs in Medicare and Medicaid by cutting costs to reimbursements to hospitals in urban areas and cut back in spending in other areas in Medicare program, such as clinical lab and outpatient services, that have been exempted previously. Topics raised by callers' questions include: block grants (which Republicans support), protecting the most vulnerable in health care, supplemental insurance coverage, the insurance industry, abortion and federal funding, layoffs and worker training programs, tobacco industry and federal law, national defense and technological changes to the military, privatizing Medicare and Social Security, search and seizure laws and the RICO Act, the Second Amendment, and government's role in education. At around 15:00, a Gantt campaign staffer can be heard on the recording commenting on Sanders's responses.
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