نبذة مختصرة : We may wonder if the emergentist model owes too much to the two traditional alternative approaches (first or third person), although it is aware of its weaknesses it fails to complete its interesting contribution with an anthropological approach that may consider mind and mental phenomena as a reality that emerges, matures, develops and expresses itself in its unavoidable interpersonal and social contexts, as is shown by the psychological and anthropological research into the study of the development of human personality. We consider that three complementary elements or dimensions should be taken into account: the evolutionary aspect (the biological maturing process of the brain, which represents the jump from prehuman to human existence); the systemic aspect (the systemic way to understand the mind as the total structure of the brain); and the social aspect (the interpersonal and social dimension as the field where the mind and the person originate). It is only within the context of human society that each personal reality can be shaped as such. Thus, this proposal could be referred to as psycho-social-systemic emergentism. ; En un cierto sentido podemos extrañarnos de que el modelo emergentista deba mucho a los dos enfoques tradicionales alternativos (primera y tercera persona). Aunque es consciente de su debilidad, no alcanza a completar su interesante contribución con un enfoque antropológico que considere la mente y los fenómenos mentales como una realidad que emerge, se desarrolla y se expresa en contextos sociales e interpersonales, como se muestra en la investigación psicológica y antropológica en el estudio de la personalidad humana. Creemos que tres elementos o dimensiones complementarias deben tenerse en cuenta: el aspecto evolutivo (el proceso de crecimiento biológico del cerebro que representa el salto desde lo prehumano a la existencia humana); el aspecto sistémico (el enfoque sistémico para comprender la mente como la estructura total del cerebro); y el aspecto social (la dimensión interpersonal y ...
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