نبذة مختصرة : Background: White paper no. 27 (2000) "Do your duty – demand your right" challengesuniversities and colleges to use a variation of methods, limit the amount of lectures andfacilitate student participation. Due to feedback from students and personnel experiencesearched for a vocational relevant student tasks emphasizing active participation. Aim: Theaim of the study was to develop student tasks to enhance vocational competence. Method: Thestudy was based on Action Research and performed during the years 2010 to 2015 includingparticipant observation, reflection notes, shadowing, a structured literature search andinterviews. In all 84 vocational teacher students and two academic staff members wereincluded. Data were analyzed by a phenomenologic approach within recursive abstraction.Results: The data showed that active participation increased comprehension and wasexperienced at highly motivating as a result of relevant vocational teacher tasks. Participatingin student-active projects was perceived as highly relevant by supporting ability tocomprehend theoretical concept. Furthermore, the students influenced was seen to improvelearning outcome. Conclusion: The results of the study imply that student-active projects havea substantial effect on the students’ motivation, learning outcome, and completeunderstanding and relevance of the education. ; Innledning: Stortingsmelding 27 «Gjør din plikt – Krev din rett» (2000 -2001) utfordreruniversitets- og høgskolesektoren til å bruke varierte metoder, begrense antallet forelesningerog legge til rette for studentdeltakelse. På bakgrunn av egne erfaringer og tilbakemeldinger frastudenter, valgte en lærer ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus å utvikle yrkesrelevanteoppgaver som krever aktiv deltakelse og hvor studentene har medbestemmelse på innholdet.Formålet med studien er å belyse utviklingen av yrkesrelevant kompetanse slik at studentenemestrer det mangfoldet av arbeidsoppgaver de møter som lærere. Metode: I perioden fra2010-2015 deltok 84 studenter og en faglige ansatt i et ...
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