نبذة مختصرة : The body has always been the object of representation and analysis, particularly in Physical Education and Sport. When we look at the history of the body, we see that there are three major representations: i) the negative body - the body seen as a receptacle for the soul, as something fragile, manipulable, an instrument, an object, a machine - "the object body". This representation lasted until modern times; ii) the positive body - the body seen with respect, as something to be treated/care for, protected, with the same dignity as thought and soul - "the subject body"; iii) the body as language/text - the body as a form of communication, dialogue, argument, emotion, feelings - diversity and plurality of bodies - the bodies of today/post-modern bodies. Our reflection focused on the representation of the body/movement object (machine) that exists and subsists today in many areas of human activity (almost all of them) and also in Physical Education and Sport. Thus, the main objective of this study was to reflect on/contribute to the awareness that the paradigm of the object body/machine body (fuelled by instrumental reason), despite being predominant in schools and clubs, should not be the only and exclusive one. The methodology used is based on theoretical/hermeneutic reflection on the body and movement object and instrumental reason. We believe that it is essential for Physical Education and Sport with children and young people to teach how to live and feel natural, phenomenological, hermeneutic and existential corporeality. To this end, we need to look at "other forms" of curriculum orientation and construction.
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