نبذة مختصرة : This study uses a qualitative approach, the ethnonursing research method, and it is based on the theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality of Madeleine Leininger (1991; 2006). The study was done in the community of Koskuna that is mostly formed, by the Panamanian indigenous group called Gunas. The purpose of this study was to discover, describe and understand the cultural patterns related to health and wellbeing of this group. The key informants were the group of older gunas that founded the community. The number was six, determined by saturation. The general informants were ten, represented by family members, teachers from the community school, and experts on the guna´s culture. For the collection of data, the enablers from the culture care theory were used, and the techniques were recorded interviews and participant observation with systematic registration in field journals. All participants gave informed consent and had autonomy to leave the study if desired. The analysis of data used Leininger´s (1991) phases of analysis. The results revealed 25 patterns of cultural care that were grouped in seven central themes. Two new constructs of culture care were identified in this study: solidarity as a form of group culture care and respect for nature as a cultural care of the environmental context. The conclusions of the study were geared to the nursing modes of decisions and actions, according to the theory of culture care. ; Este estudio con abordaje cualitativo, utiliza el método de etnoenfermería y se sustenta en la teoría del Cuidado Cultural Diversidad y Universalidad, de Leininger (1991; 2006). Se desarrolla en Koskuna, comunidad conformada en su mayoría, por el grupo cultural indígena panameño Guna. El propósito del estudio era descubrir, describir y entender los patrones culturales relacionados a la salud y bienestar de las gunas. Los informantes claves fueron los pobladores más antiguos de Koskuna, el número fue de seis, determinado por la técnica de saturación. Los informantes generales fueron ...
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