نبذة مختصرة : It presents an application of the pedagogical intervention project, “Congruence in El- ementary School ”in an 8th grade class at Professor José Municipal School Pereira da Silva, in Campos Belos - GO. Methodologically, we approach the research research and action research, mainly aiming to use the Arithmetic of the remains (Congruence) as a facilitating tool for the development of logical reasoning or mathematical literacy. As a reference, in a diagnostic activity composed of ten questions of elementary mathematical “operations” we find a very students on the mathematical foundation. We found that almost 50according to official documents, they are in the curriculum until the 6th grade, besides to be essential for socializing in society. We can see that arithmetic of the remains aroused the interest of the students about the content through the use of “Tricks” and “guesswork” and more, the problems of the arithmetic of the remains from the Evidence and the OBMEP in-room question bank aroused “thinking” of the students. Therefore, we notice an advance on the logical reasoning of the students of the 8th year they partic- ipated in the project. Like, it’s about active learning, that is, leading students to think, to produce, we lead them to mathematical literacy, BNCC requirements. ; Este apresenta uma aplicação do projeto de intervenção pedagógica, “Congruência no Ensino Fundamental”, em uma turma de 8 o ano da Escola Municipal Professor José Pereira da Silva, em Campos Belos - GO. Metodologicamente, abordamos a pesquisa qualitativa e pesquisa-ação, objetivando principalmente utilizar a Aritmética dos restos (Congruência), como uma metodologia para o desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico ou letramento matemático. Como referência, em uma atividade diagnóstico composta por dez questões de “operações” elementares de matemática, constatamos uma situação muito delicada por parte dos discentes, acerca do alicerce matemático. Percebemos que quase 50% dos discentes não conseguem resolver “continhas” básicas de matemática. ...
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