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Cooperation between South Korea and Colombia by 2030: Towards the consolidation of a strategic alliance to leverage knowledge as a catalyst for sustainable development ; Cooperación Corea del Sur-Colombia al año 2030: hacia la consolidación de una alianza estratégica para aprovechar el conocimiento como catalizador del desarrollo sostenible

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Revistas Universidad Externado de Colombia
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The Republic of Korea aims to consoli­date its influence in the global develop­ment agenda and strengthen its position as a middle power. Among its key foreign pol­icy instruments, the Official Development Assistance (ODA) stands out not only to pro­mote its development experience from being a less developed to a high-income country, but to reinforce the political and economic co-operation with its partner countries, mainly in Southeast Asia, Africa and South America. By 2030, Korea has committed to allo­cate 0.3% of its Gross National Income (GNI) to fund its global ODA. Reaching this purpose demands doubling its cur­rent annual budget from US 3,331 mil­lion to more than US 6,700 million in the next five years. If the conditions for eco­nomic growth remain stable, a progressive increase in Korean co-operation is expected towards its 27 key partner countries by set­ting up bilateral co-operation strategies. Thus, the new programmatic agenda with Korea unveils the most favourable scenario to assure a “truly strategic” co-operation, leveraging international contributions to Colombia’s socio-economic progress. This article analyses Korea’s geopo­litical setting and its relationship with Colombia within the global co-operation ecosystem, towards the consolidation of the new “Country Partnership Strategy (cps) 2026-2030. Firstly, it reviews Korea’s foreign policy, considering its historical transformations, priorities, and challeng­es. Secondly, it explains the Korean co-operation policy and the performance of its ODA flows, highlighting the added value of knowledge as a catalyst for sustainable development. Finally, it proposes recom­mendations to Colombia’s new bilateral strategy, focusing on unexplored co-oper­ation mechanisms and potential co-oper­ation sectors, in accordance with its dual role (ODA recipient/SSC provider) and its development aspirations. ; La República de Corea busca consolidar su influencia en la agenda global de desarrollo y mantener su posición como potencia inter­media. Entre sus ...
    • File Description:
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    • الدخول الالكتروني :
    • Rights:
      Derechos de autor 2024 Ivonne Andrea Ramos Héndez , Betsy Nathaly Suárez Cáceres ;
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