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Flood risk and mitigation strategies in the southeastern suburbs of Fez City (Morocco) ; Riesgo de inundaciones y estrategías de mitigación en los suburbios del sudeste de la ciudad de Fez (Marruecos)
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- المؤلفون: Akdim, Brahim; Gartet, Abdelghani; Laaouane, Mohamed; Amyay, Mhamed
- المصدر:
Estudios Geográficos; Vol. 74 No. 275 (2013); 379-408 ; Estudios Geográficos; Vol. 74 Núm. 275 (2013); 379-408 ; 1988-8546 ; 0014-1496 ; 10.3989/egeogr.2013.i275- الموضوع:
- نوع التسجيلة:
article in journal/newspaper- اللغة:
English - المصدر:
- معلومة اضافية
- بيانات النشر: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
- الموضوع: 2013
- Collection: Estudios Geográficos (E-Journal)
- نبذة مختصرة : The risk of flooding in the south-eastern suburbs of Fez (Morocco) was engendered by multiple factors (topographic, hydro-climatic, land use, social, technical). This study focuses on the Aouinate El Hajjaj district and shows that the district’s evolution, characterized by informal transactions (speculation, land squatting, construction without respect of norms and regulations) was a major factor in the genesis of flood risk as the district extended into vulnerable sectors. Public efforts to resolve the district’s crisis and reinforce its environmental safety began in 1993 (2 dams and channels were constructed, street were paved and basic facilities were provided, such as drinking water, sanitation and electricity), but the risk factors persist. Technical solutions are locally recognized to be useful, but they are not sufficient. Other mitigating actions including the reduction of physical and socioeconomic vulnerability and the strengthening of the social structure of the community should be considered in a systemic point of view. They constitute elements of an alternative strategy in urban planning and development and must be framed by laws and regulations. Their use could be undertaken at individual, community and State levels depending on the specific dimension of each measure. A vision which integrates local and regional scales is essential in risk studies, in order to design a more sustainable action. The role of non-governmental organisations is important in flood mitigation and urban environmental policy. The incorporation of flood prevention as a parameter of urban planning should be considered by planners and the local population. ; En los suburbios del sudeste de Fez (Marruecos) el riesgo de inundaciones responde a fenómenos de diversa naturaleza física y humana (topográficos, hidrológicos, climáticos, utilización del suelo, factores sociales y técnicos). En este trabajo se analiza la situación del distrito de Aouinate El Hajjaj, en donde diferentes procesos derivados de la ocupación de este espacio ...
- File Description: application/pdf
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- الرقم المعرف: 10.3989/estgeogr.201314
- الدخول الالكتروني : - Rights: Derechos de autor 2013 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ;
- الرقم المعرف: edsbas.3799FF1E
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