نبذة مختصرة : Privacy in its many aspects is protected by various legal texts (e.g. the Basic Law, Civil Code, Criminal Code, or even the Law on Copyright in artistic and photographic works (KunstUrhG), which protects image rights). Data protection law, which governs the processing of information about individuals (personal data), also serves to protect their privacy. However, some information referring to the public sphere of an individual’s life (e.g. the fact that X is a mayor of Smallville) may still be considered personal data (see below), and as such fall within the scope of data protection rules. In this sense, data protection laws concern information that is not private. Therefore, privacy and data protection, although closely related, are distinct notions: one can violate someone else’s privacy without processing his or her personal data (e.g. simply by knocking at one’s door at night, uninvited), and vice versa: one can violate data protection rules without violating privacy. The following handouts focus exclusively on data protection rules, and specifically on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, please keep in mind that compliance with the GDPR is not the only aspect of protecting privacy of individuals in research projects. Other rules, such as academic ethics and community standards (such as CARE) also need to be observed.
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