نبذة مختصرة : Research context: The multifaceted crisis of the family, as well as the growing distance from institutionalizing partnerships, confirm the relevance of addressing the problems faced by lasting relationships between a man and a woman. However, diagnosis alone is insufficient, as it is essential to support the healthy functioning of the family both socially and scientifically.Research aim: The approach identified by the Catholic Church as a significant antidote to the issues mentioned in the title appears to be a method known as discernment. Therefore, it was necessary to examine the usefulness and adequacy of this approach in working with marriages and families in crisis.Research method: The research employed desk research, analyzing existing data with a focus on available studies on discernment. Special attention was given to statements and documents issued by the contemporary Promoter of the discernment approach, Pope Francis.Achieved results: A critical analysis of the concept of discernment and an assessment of its practical usefulness confirmed the key role that discernment can play, if spouses engage with it, in the process of healing marital and family relationships. The universal application of this tool poses some difficulty, particularly given its religious dimension or character, but this can be partially addressed by appealing to the role of conscience as a universal "moral faculty" in humans.Conclusions: Discernment is, or at least can be, an effective support for spouses who wish to overcome emerging problems, provided it is conducted properly as an interpersonal process. ; Kontekst badań: Diagnozowany wieloaspektowo kryzys rodziny czy narastający dystans wobec instytucjonalizowania związków partnerskich potwierdzają zasadność pisania o problemach, z którymi boryka się trwały związek mężczyzny i kobiety. Sama jednak diagnoza jest niewystarczająca, ponieważ należy wspierać społecznie (i naukowo) dobre funkcjonowanie rodziny.Cel badań: Narzędziem, które wskazywane jest przez Kościół katolicki jako ...
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