نبذة مختصرة : Purpose: The aim of this study is to review literature on anger management intervention programs for parents published over the last 10 years and to extract the key elements of the interventions through an integrative review. Methods: This research was carried out in stages following Whittemore and Knafls integrative literature methodology. Key words in Korean and English were used to search the PubMed, MEDLINE, EMbase, CINAHL, RISS, KISS and National Assembly Library databases. Several intervention factors were extracted from the selected papers on the basis of the framework which was helpful to identify the intervention patterns and were classified into meaningful themes. Results: The extracted intervention factors from the final nine studies classified into four themes: 1) Modifying irrational beliefs through cognitive approaches, 2) Empowering parenting competencies through learning a parents role, 3) Utilizing emotion management skills, and 4) Parent-child relationship improvement training based on self-reflection. Conclusion: Four main themes were drawn from the key components of the various interventions. These findings should be considered in practice, and further intervention development studies for parents using these findings should be conducted.
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