نبذة مختصرة : At the present day the idea of cosmological inflation constitutes an important extension of Big Bang theory. Since its appearance in the early 1980’s many physical mechanisms have been worked out that put the inflationary expansion of space that proceeds the Hot Big Bang on a sound theoretical basis. Among the achievements of the theory of inflation are the explanaition of the almost Euclidean geometry of ‘visible’space, the homogeneity of the cosmic background radiation but, in particular, also the tiny inhomogeneity of a relative amplitude of 10−5. In many models of inflation the inflationary phase ends only locally. Hence, there exists the possibility that the inflationary process still goes on in regions beyond our visual horizon. This property is commonly termed ‘eternal inflation’. In the framework of a cosmological scalar fields, eternal inflation can manifest itself in a variety of ways. On the one hand fluctuations of the field, if sufficiently large, can work against the classical trajectory and therefore counteract the end of inflation. In regions where this is the case the accelerated expansion of space continues at a higher rate. In parts of this region the process may replicate itself again and in this way may continue throughout all of time. Space and field are said to reproduce themselves. On the other hand, a mechanism that can occur in addition or independent of the latter, is so called vacuum tunneling. If the potential of the scalar field has several local minima, a semi-classical calculation suggests that within a spherical region, a bubble, the field can tunnel to another state. The respective tunneling rates depend on the potential difference and the shape of the potential between the states. Generally, the tunneling rate is exponentially suppressed, which means that the inflation lasts for a long time before tunneling takes place. The ongoing inflationary process effectively reduces local curvature, anistotropy and inhomogeneity, so that this property is known as the ‘cosmic no-hair ...
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