نبذة مختصرة : This paper aims at describing a case of extranodal lymphoma in a female domestic shorthair cat leading to dysuria and tenesmus, referred to the Small Animal Practice at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia (local acronym UFU). This cat was anorexic and had been displaying symptoms such as dysuria and tenesmus for 3 days. Physical examination revealed that the cat was responsive and in good body condition (score 4/9). Its mucous membranes were pale: however, all other parameters were normal. Initial blood and biochemical tests were analyzed and the animal was treated for cholangiohepatitis. The clinical signs (tenesmus and dysuria) worsen after two weeks and an increase in volume of the external lumbar region was detected. The cytology test showed cells of lymphoid origin. Then, after a rectal palpation which confirmed a compression of the rectum, the patient underwent urethrocystography and single contrast enema, which confirmed that something was significantly compressing the urethra and rectum. The female cat was referred to an exploratory laparotomy to collect samples and decompress the affected structures. The patient died shortly after the procedure. During surgical procedure, it was observed that the intrapelvic mass was actually an extension of the increased external lumbar volume, and histopathological test results showed it to be a lymphoma. Therefore, extranodal lymphoma shoud be considered as an important differential diagnosis in cutaneous masses. ; UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia ; O presente relato tem por objetivo descrever o caso de linfoma extranodal em gata levando à disúria e tenesmo, encaminhada ao setor de Clínica Médica de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Ao exame físico, o animal apresentava-se alerta, com bom escore corporal (4/9), mucosas hipocoradas e demais parâmetros dentro da normalidade. Após análise dos exames hematológicos e bioquímicos iniciais, optou-se pela instituição de tratamento para ...
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