نبذة مختصرة : His thesis provides a sociological analysis of the gender and social class practices underpinning school-based surfing and light sailing in France and California. In this school-based water sport context, these two international school systems reproduce different conceptions and practices of equality due to the specific historical, political and social characteristics of each context. These differences exist despite both locations having similar laws and concerns when it comes to ensuring equality for all students in terms of access to nautical culture, and then more fundamentally in regard to students' integration and social success. The qualitative analysis, combining interviews and ethnographic observations, highlights the socialization experiences of youth, parents, and school program supervisors, which crucially reflect the impact of gender and social class as these factors determine the production and/or maintenance of inequalities. Furthermore, these stakeholder involvements also indicate the complex interaction of certain social dispositions. Masculine domination characterizes the gendered social relationships between young people in the distribution of surfing waves and tasks within the sailing boat's crew, and this domination also fits with the competitive and performative objectives pursued by supervisors and parents. However certain actors resist this domination, and even redefine these gendered social relationships in some cases, giving the perception of a more egalitarian practice of water sports. ; Ce travail de thèse propose une analyse sociologique des rapports sociaux de sexes et de classes dans les pratiques scolaires du surf et de la voile légère en France et en Californie. Si, dans le cadre de la pratique scolaire des sports nautiques, ces deux systèmes scolaires témoignent d’une conception de l’égalité et d’une politique éducative à bien des égards différentes, car fondamentalement liées aux caractéristiques historiques, politiques et sociales de chaque contexte, ils expriment dans les ...
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