Contributors: Scuderi, S; Giuliani, A; Pareschi, G; Tosti, G; Catalano, O; Amato, E; Antonelli, La; Gonzales, Jb; Bellassai, G; Bigongiari, C; Biondo, B; Bottcher, M; Bonanno, G; Bonnoli, G; Bruno, P; Bulgarelli, A; Canestrari, R; Capalbi, M; Caraveo, P; Cardillo, M; Conforti, V; Contino, G; Corpora, M; Costa, A; Cusumano, G; D'Ai, A; Pino, Edd; Della Ceca, R; Rodriguez, Ee; Falceta-Goncalves, D; Fermino, C; Fiori, M; Fioretti, V; Fiorini, M; Gallozzi, S; Gargano, C; Garozzo, S; Germani, S; Ghedina, A; Gianotti, F; Giarrusso, S; Gimenes, R; Giordano, V; Grillo, A; Gelly, Cg; Impiombato, D; Incardona, F; Incorvaia, S; Iovenitti, S; La Barbera, A; La Palombara, N; La Parola, V; Lamastra, A; Lessio, L; Leto, G; Lo Gerfo, F; Lodi, M; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; Lucarelli, F; Maccarone, Mc; Marano, D; Martinetti, E; Mereghetti, S; Micciche, A; Millul, R; Mineo, T; Mollica, D; Morlino, G; Morselli, A; Naletto, G; Nicotra, G; Pagliaro, A; Parmiggiani, N; Piano, G; Pintore, F; Poretti, E; Olmi, B; Rodeghiero, G; Fernandez, Gr; Romano, P; Romeo, G; Russo, F; Sangiorgi, P; Saturni, Fg; Schwarz, Jh; Sciacca, E; Sironi, G; Sottile, G; Stamerra, A; Tagliaferri, G; Testa, V; Umana, G; Uslenghi, M; Vercellone, S; Zampieri, L; Sanchez, Rz
نبذة مختصرة : The ASTRI Mini-Array (MA) is an INAF project to build and operate a facility to study astronomical sources emitting at very high-energy in the TeV spectral band. The ASTRI MA consists of a group of nine innovative Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The telescopes will be installed at the Teide Astronomical Observatory of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC) in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) on the basis of a host agreement with INAF. Thanks to its expected overall performance, better than those of current Cherenkov telescopes' arrays for energies above & SIM;5 TeV and up to 100 TeV and beyond, the ASTRI MA will represent an important instrument to perform deep observations of the galactic and extragalactic sky at these energies. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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