نبذة مختصرة : Empathy is the ability to put ourselves in the other's shoes, so it is important to assess empathy with animals, especially with agricultural science courses, since in general there is direct contact with the animal and thus affecting their attitudes towards the same, from this premise, the study aimed to assess the degree of empathy and its variation among students of agronomy, veterinary medicine and animal science courses, as well as between the first and last academic periods, and how much to female and male to the animal of the Federal University of Uberlândia. To obtain and assess these variables, a questionnaire with the adaptation of the scale of empathy for animals was provided online to the students, obtaining 234 answered questionnaires, of which only 57% were used in the analysis of principal components. From the analyzed results, a statistical variation in empathy between females and males was found, demonstrating greater empathy on the part of females due to biological and sociocultural issues, as well as variation in the initial and final periods of the courses, showing that practice with animals and rationalization ends up affecting the degree of empathy. ; Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) ; A empatia é a capacidade de nos colocarmos no lugar do outro, desta forma é importante avaliarmos a empatia para com os animais, principalmente para com os cursos de ciências agrárias, visto que de forma geral há um contato direto com o animal e desta forma afetando suas atitudes para com o mesmo, a partir dessa premissa o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o grau de empatia e sua variação entre os alunos dos cursos de agronomia, medicina veterinária e zootecnia, assim como também entre os primeiros e últimos períodos letivos, e quanto ao sexo feminino e masculino para com o animal da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Para se obter e avaliar essas variáveis foi fornecido de forma online aos alunos um questionário com a adaptação da escala de empatia para com os animais, obtendo 234 questionários ...
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