نبذة مختصرة : In order to evaluate the reduction of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) losses from the adaptation of the traditional container for its transport, a diagnosis was made in which all the characteristics and variables to be taken into account in the harvest and post-harvest processes of the fruit were observed, in order to identify factors that could affect the losses of this foodstuff. Taking into account the previous phase, the possible materials for the adaptations to the traditional container were evaluated, which consisted of the lining of the internal walls of the container. These materials were fique sacking (CA1) and injected polyethylene (CA2). The baskets with adaptations were placed in the customary transport for transportation to the point of sale, taking a total of 20 kg for physiological and physicochemical characterization, for subsequent statistical analysis using R Studio software. The results indicate that weight loss is one of the characteristics most influenced according to the adjustments made. In addition, a significant difference was observed between the units in the container with injected polyethylene adaptation (CA2) in factors such as citric acid percentage, maturity index and mechanical damage in comparison with the other containers studied. It is concluded that the implementation of adaptations to the plastic basket can reduce losses caused during tomato transport between 9% and 9.7%, as well as maintain the physical, physiological and physicochemical properties of the tomato. ; Con el objetivo de evaluar la reducción de pérdidas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) a partir de la adaptación del envase tradicional destinado para su transporte, se realizó un diagnóstico en el cual se observaron todas las características y variables a tener en cuenta en los procesos cosecha y postcosecha del fruto, con el fin de evidenciar factores que pudieran incidir en las pérdidas de este alimento. Teniendo en cuenta la fase previa, se evaluaron posibles materiales para las adaptaciones en el envase ...
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