نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; Introduction: The recognition of families by elderly individuals affected by a Neuro-evolutionary Disease (NED) is a recurring topic in the literature. The families interviewed for this study indicated that they largely felt recognized by their loved ones despite significant neurocognitive impairments.Objectives: To explore the sense of recognition among families whose institutionalized loved one has severe cognitive impairment.Methodology: Seventy-two people (57 children and 15 spouses) participated in this study. The sense of recognition, as perceived by families from their institutionalized loved one with advanced-stage NED, was assessed using a 16-question survey.Results: The results of the Student's t-test show no significant difference in the sense of recognition between children and spouses: t(70) = 1.43 (p = 0.158).Discussion: This sense of recognition from elderly individuals with NED may be attributed to the emotional connection that emerges in the relationship with their family members. Implicit memory may enable elderly individuals to remember important events from both their own lives and the lives of their families.Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that families still felt recognized by their loved one affected by advanced-stage NED. This recognition remains possible, likely based on a strong emotional bond between the elderly person and their family member. ; Introduction : La reconnaissance des familles par les personnes âgées atteintes d’une Maladie Neuro-Évolutive (MNE) est un sujet récurrent au sein de la littérature. Les familles interrogées dans le cadre de cette étude ont indiqué qu’elles se sentaient majoritairement reconnues par leurs proches malgré leurs troubles neurocognitifs importants. Objectifs : interroger le sentiment de reconnaissance des familles dont le proche institutionnalisé présente un déficit cognitif important.Méthodologie : 72 personnes (57 enfants et 15 conjoints) ont participé à cette étude. Le sentiment de reconnaissance estimé par les ...
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