نبذة مختصرة : The investigation of rail incidents is a highly specialised and important area within the rail industry. Historically training for investigators has been disjointed, with no standard approach being applied consistently. Currently in Australia, rail incidents are investigated by the various rail operators and regulators of each State, with the more serious incidents investigated by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB). However, it is hoped with the introduction of a National Safety Regulator for the industry, a standardised competency framework for rail incident investigators can be developed. Consequently, this will also lead to more standardised training across the industry for these specialised career paths. A previous scoping report published by the CRC for Rail Innovation highlighted a need within the industry for a standardised competency framework and training package. Based on the results of the scoping report, a comprehensive Training Needs Analysis for the rail industry was undertaken. This paper will examine potential barriers and facilitators that the industry may face when implementing this national training. Furthermore, based on the results of the Training Needs Analysis, differences and similarities in the needs of rail organisations as well as between operators and regulators will be examined.
Relation: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/56513/1/CONF_Dovan_IncidentInvestigationNationalStandardisedApproach.pdf; http://ositconference.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/OSIT12_Session4B_Dovan.pdf; Dovan, Nathan, Banks, Tamara, & Biggs, Herbert (2012) Incident investigation: On a collision course towards a national standardised approach. In Proceedings of the 2012 Occupational Safety in Transport (OSIT) Conference. CARRS-Q, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, pp. 1-9.; https://eprints.qut.edu.au/56513/; Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; CARRS-Q Centre for Future Mobility
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