نبذة مختصرة : Рад је био изложен у виду усменог саопштења на Х научном скупу младих фило- лога Србије одржаног 31. марта 2018. године на Филолошко-уметничком факул- тету у Крагујевцу. ; This paper analyses the written language of text messages sent via Viber, one of the most popular messaging applications. The aforementioned language style is analysed from the perspective of ethnomethodology. The subfield of discourse analysis that we employ in this paper is conversational analysis, which focuses on free, spontaneous, unregulated language (known as chat or chatting). In our analysis, we exclusively focus on the nonlinear structure of written Viber communication, i.e. embedded and side sequences, which violate the linear language structure. The main purpose of this paper is to observe and analyse the realization of embedded and side sequences in context and to highlight any significant variations that occur in the process of their realization. The conducted analysis yielded the following results: the role of nonlinear conversational sequences is crucial in written chat on Viber, which almost completely mirrors the structure of spoken chatting. In addition to the aforementioned, we noticed the following: sequences can be completely or partially realized. The partial realization entails omission of certain conversational elements, which in theory, at least, form part and parcel of these sequences. Furthermore, the analysis also revealed that combinations of these sequences likewise occur. Last, but most certainly not the least, inadvertent interrupting creates a seemingly chaotic structure of correspondence in this application. ; Published
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