نبذة مختصرة : Smoking is the leading preventable death cause. Studies show that smokers have falses ideas about tobacco and NRT and these ideas could reduce the lucks to stop. Our objectives are to reveal the false smokers' ideas, from a borought, to evaluate the impact of an information meeting on smokers'knowledges and smoking behaviour and to evaluate the feasibility of a tracking in pharmacy. Material and method: we realised a cross-survey by self-questionnaire from smokers, clients of four pharmacies or patients of a doctor's office in the 13th borought. We realised an interventional study, before and after an information meeting. We realised a qualitative study with a focus goup of pharmacists. Results and Analysis: 95 self-questionnaires have been recovered. The average score of right answers is 3.89/10. The information lack is more marked in smokers whitout degree and who have never used NRT. We observe a significative impact of information meeting on the level of averall knowledge at short-term about the NRT.There is no significative impact of the meeting about smoking behavior. The feasibility level of a tracking in pharmacy appears limited by the lack of time, the absence of adapted funding. Conclusion: smokers need informations about NRT and even more if they don't have degree or if they have never used NRT. A greater magnitude study is necessary to show a positive impact of an information meeting on smoking behavior. The pharmacist could be more efficiente about the fight against smoking if we provided him adapted tools to his exercise. ; Le tabagisme est la première cause de mortalité évitable. Des études ont montré que les fumeurs ont des idées fausses sur les TNS et qu’elles pourraient diminuer les chances d’arrêt. Nos objectifs sont de mettre en évidence les idées fausses des fumeurs d'un quartier, d’évaluer l'impact d’une réunion d'information sur les connaissances et le comportement tabagique et d’évaluer la faisabilité d'un repérage et d’un suivi en pharmacie. Matériel et Méthode : nous avons réalisé une ...
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