نبذة مختصرة : This case of study identified and evaluated environmental aspects and impacts of the Dirección Nacional de Vialidad (DNV), 14th District San Luis (Argentina). This organization has technical camps, where maintenance of large road equipment, light vehicles, laundries, fuel dispensing, etc. are carried out. The activity is associated with the generation of hazardous waste and effluents and is located in an urban area. Tasks were broken down and environmental aspects and impacts related to the generation of waste, consumption of natural resources, generation of effluents, energy consumption, use of hazardous inputs (among others) were identified. For each aspect, a value was assigned and the Risk Priority Index (IPR) was calculated. 74% of the identified environmental aspects were environmentally significant. In order to assess each activity environmentally, an Environmental Impact Ranking (RIA) was produced, resulting from the sum of the IPRs of each one. 62% of potential impacts are associated with soil contamination. The employed methodology allowed the identification of environmentally riskier activities and the most significant environmental aspects. In this way it was possible to determine those areas that require immediate intervention in the environmental management plan and those that are secondary. This methodology is accessible and can be used in other DNV units in the country or in companies with similar activities. ; En el presente caso de estudio se identificaron y valoraron aspectos e impactos ambientales de la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad (DNV ), 14º Distrito San Luis (Argentina). Esta organización cuenta con campamentos técnicos donde se realizan tareas de mantenimiento de grandes equipos viales, vehículos livianos, lavaderos, expendio de combustible, etc. La actividad se asocia a la generación de residuos y efluentes peligrosos y se encuentra en un área urbana. Se desglosaron las tareas y se identificaron aspectos e impactos ambientales vinculados a: generación de residuos, consumo de recursos ...
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