نبذة مختصرة : The present work consists of action research based on field monitoring of the Supervised Internship of Teacher Training II component, of the Pedagogy course, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the semester of 2022.2. Its main objective is to analyze the gender dynamics that are established in a Municipal School in Natal/RN, in a 5th year class identified, especially, in the regency of that internship. A qualitative approach is used and as a data analysis tool, discourse analysis, of Foucauldian inspiration, was used, based on the recurrences in the discourses presented by the children, taking into account the children's own discourse that generated other discourses in addition to that was reproduced. To support this work, I rely on the ideas brought by Louro (2018, 2019) which amplifies the understanding of gender as a social construction; Miskolci (2012) who brings up the relationship of gender norms as cultural conventions and Auad (2006) who understands the school as a space responsible for generating discrimination and separation. I confirm the importance of discussing gender within the classroom, making a connection with what is also experienced outside school walls. As a result, it was found that the group of students tends to repeat actions that limit the female gender but demonstrate an interest in more open views and problematization of gender relations. ; O presente trabalho consiste em uma pesquisa-ação a partir do acompanhamento em campo do componente de Estágio Supervisionado de Formação de Professores II, do curso de Pedagogia, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, no semestre de 2022.2. Tem como objetivo principal analisar a dinâmica de gênero que se estabelece em uma Escola Municipal do Natal/RN, em uma turma de 5º ano identificada, especialmente, na regência do referido estágio supervisionado. Utiliza-se uma abordagem qualitativa e como ferramenta de análise dos dados, foi utilizada a análise do discurso, de inspiração foucaultiana, a partir das recorrências nos ...
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