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The available waste-to-energy potential from agricultural wastes in the department of Córdoba, Colombia ; El potencial de conversión de residuos en energía disponible a partir de residuos agrícolas en el departamento de Córdoba, Colombia

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      REDICUC - Repositorio Universidad de La Costa
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      There is a large potential for biomass-based renewable energy production Colombia which mostly remains untapped, accounting for a marginal 0.8% of the electricity production. Moreover, Córdoba is a department with important developments in agriculture and agroindustry, where significant amounts of biomass wastes are generated. In total, these wastes have a yearly energy potential of 548 for the use of anaerobic digestion, and 1159 GWh per year using direct combustion. These energy potentials can yield 126 GWh/year of electricity using anaerobic digestion, or 260 GWh/year using direct combustion (i.e. 9 to 18% of the current electricity demand). However, power generation systems based on direct combustion for biomass wastes are economically feasible only for the lower investment costs available in the market, while anaerobic digestion is feasible for the low and average investment costs available in the market. Moreover, the biogas potential is equivalent to 1.4 times the energy demand required to replace firewood for cooking in 32% of the department homes that use firewood. More investigation is needed to more accurately define the potentialities of biomass wastes for energy applications in the department, for more effective promotion of its implementation ; Existe un gran potencial para la producción de energía renovable a base de biomasa en Colombia, que en su mayoría permanece sin explotar, lo que representa un 0,8% marginal de la producción de electricidad. Además, Córdoba es un departamento con importantes desarrollos en agricultura y agroindustria, donde importantes cantidades de residuos de biomasa se generan. En total, estos desechos tienen un potencial energético anual de 548 para el uso de digestión anaeróbica y 1159 GWh por año utilizando combustión directa. Estos potenciales energéticos pueden producir 126 GWh / año de electricidad usando digestión anaeróbica, o 260 GWh / año usando directa combustión (es decir, del 9 al 18% de la demanda actual de electricidad). Sin embargo, los sistemas de ...
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